FAYETTEVILLE, WV (LOOTPRESS) – The Fayette County Sheriff’s Department has disabled their Facebook page completely following negative comments involving the death of an 11-week-old infant that was swept away by flood waters Friday morning.
“People are just rude and uncaring, and I’m sorry,” Sheriff Mike Fridley said in a video posted to the page before it was disabled. “I’m praying for the family, praying for first responders. It’s just a terrible, terrible thing, but as of 2 o’clock there will be no more Fayette County Facebook page.”
The announcement comes after widespread reaction to the tragic news of an 11-week-old infant who was swept away by floodwaters in Pax around 8:30 AM on Friday. The mother of the infant had gotten stuck in the high water after misjudging its depth.
Police say that the mother attempted to get the infant out of the car, but the water swept the car away from the mother. First responders found the car around 2:30 PM submerged 18 feet deep with the infant still in the vehicle.
“It’s the only option I have and I’m sorry it has come to this, pray for that family,” Fridley said. “To the people that made comments, that’s their right and that’s their freedom. I can’t delete them, and I’m not going to.”
Sheriff Fridley stated that the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department will still communicate with the media through press releases but the Facebook page will no longer exist.