BEVERLY, WV (LOOTPRESS) – A driver was issued a citation Saturday after intentionally discharging fireworks at other motor vehicles on Route 219.
According to reports from the Randolph County Sheriff’s Department, 911 dispatched at 7:44pm on 7/30/22 that fireworks were being launched from an Enterprise box truck driving on Route 219 near the Catholic Conference Center, and had been last seen driving toward Huttonsville.
Deputy Pingley responded in the Beverly area, where another call was received stating that the Enterprise box truck was throwing fireworks at vehicles near the Beverly Dollar General.
Contact was made with the vehicle near the Beverly Fire Department, and Deputy Pingley conducted a traffic stop at the Beverly entrance to the 5-Lane.
Upon approaching the vehicle, the odor of gunpowder could be detected emitting from the main cabin.
The driver and passenger of the vehicle presented passports, validating their origins in the country of France.
A box of opened color smoke balls were found on the dashboard, along with firecrackers and a bottle rocket found elsewhere in the vehicle.
All fireworks found in the vehicle were confiscated, and the driver was issued a citation for violation of WV Code §29-3E-11, which states that a person may not intentionally ignite or discharge any consumer fireworks or sparkler devices into or at a motor vehicle or building, or at any person or group of people.