RALEIGH COUNTY, WV (LOOTPRESS) – The Raleigh County Commission will consider the renaming of multiple county roadways at its upcoming Regular Session meeting.
The meeting is scheduled to take place at 10:00am on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, and will see commissioners come together to discuss a variety of topics, including the rezoning of county multiple properties and a $192,277 grant to Community Corrections.
The full agenda for Tuesday’s scheduled meeting of the Raleigh County Commission can be seen below.
1. Call to Order
2. ​Roll Call
3. ​Invocation- Pastor Ken Smith; Beckley Regular Baptist Church; Beckley, WV
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. New Business
5.1​ Exonerations
​5.2​ Budget Revisions
​5.3​ Approve will and testament for Norvel Dale Richmond
​5.4 ​Consideration of a Community Corrections Grant in the amount of $192,277.00
​5.5​ Consideration to rename Williams Ranch Drive in Bradley to Wood Manor Drive
​5.6 ​Consideration to rename Richardson Drive in Crab Orchard to Sexton Drive
​5.7​Consideration of rezoning .393 acres of property at 3304 Flat Top Road; Ghent from R1 to B1
​5.8​Consideration of rezoning 2.9 acres of property at 3314 and 3336 Flat Top Road; Ghent from R1 to ​​​B1
​5.8​ Consideration of AML Request for Payment No. 23 on the Clearfork Rail Trail Project in the amount
​​​of $2,525,00​​​
6. Old Business
​ 7. Public Participation
​ 8. Approval of Minutes; Vacation Orders; Final Settlements
9.​Reports of Officers and Committees
10.​Bills, Communications and Appointments and Disbursements
11.​Receipts and Disbursements​