WHEELING, WV (LOOTPRESS) – Officials with the City of Wheeling last week came together with Newbridge Academy for Kids personnel to celebrate a ribbon-cutting ceremony for opening of the new facility.
The newly introduced facility can be found at 1015 Market Street in Wheeling and will provide an array of community services which will include a child-care center capable of accommodating over two-hundred children.
This will exclude comprehensive programs for age groups including infant, toddler, and preschool, along with afterschool and daily care programs for children ages twelve and under.
The facility playground was constructed with help from a grand from City Council in the amount of $201,000 from American Rescue Plan Act funds. This space will utilize a previously underutilized space on Market Plaza. This play area will reportedly be open to members of the public during non-operating hours for the Newbridge Academy for Kids.
Additional information regarding the academy can be found at the Newbridge Academy for Children website.