WAYNE, WV (LOOTPRESS) – The Wayne County Commission has announced the planned agenda for the commission‘s upcoming meeting at which a proposal for group, family, and individual
therapy sessions will be discussed.
Scheduled to take place at 10:00am on Monday, July 8, 2024, in room 103 of the Wayne County Courthouse, the meeting will see commissioners hearing from Rachael Arthur, M.A. regarding the aforementioned proposed therapy sessions, as well as Randall Lewis of E.L. Robinson Engineering and Jesse Allen of the Crum PSD regarding a waterline extension project pertaining to Old N&W Railroad Road/Hurricane Branch.
Additionally, the session will see acknowledgment of standard meeting items such as approval of exonerations, invoices, and minutes, along with appointments and unfinished business.
Additional information on meetings of the Wayne County Commission, including planned agendas for upcoming meetings throughout the year, can be found at the Wayne County, West Virginia website.
The full agenda for the Monday morning’s meeting of the Wayne County Commission can be seen below.
10:30 A.M. – Rachael Arthur, M.A., Associates in Psychology & Therapy
(APT, Inc.) RE: Proposal for Group, Family, and Individual
Therapy Sessions (Opioid Settlement Funds).
11:00 A.M. – Randall Lewis, E.L, Robinson Engineering and Jesse Allen,
Crum PSD, RE: Old N&W Railroad Road/Hurricane Branch
Waterline Ext. Project.
2:00 P.M. – Josh Dygart and J.D. Maynard, DjM Architecture. RE:
Architectural services.
1) Pledge of Allegiance
2) Approval of Exonerations
3) Approval of Appointments Made in Vacation
4) Approval of Invoices
5) Approval of Minutes (Regular Commission Meeting Minutes of June 24, 2024, and
Special Meeting Minutes of July 1, 2024).
6) Appointments to fill vacancies on Boards or Authorities
7) Personnel
8) Unfinished Business