LESAGE, WV (LOOTPRESS) – West Virginia State Police Troopers have arrested one woman after multiple children were discovered residing in a single-wide trailer described by responders as “deplorable, disgusting, and unhealthy.”
According to Cabell County Magistrate Court documents, on Friday, June 28, 2024, at approximately 4:49pm, Trooper Ellis with the West Virginia State Police responded to the Lesage area of Cabell County regarding a CPS Assist call.
Law enforcement arrived on the scene at 5:13pm where CPS workers were removing two young children from a home in which the mother, identified as Regina Carpenter, resided. Two children – ages 5 and 14 – were identified and were noted to have appeared “dirty and malnourished.”
Upon entering the residence, law enforcement “observed the residence to be in [a] complete state of degeneration and abhorrent filth. Unidentified fecal matter with “a pungent odor” that had been pressed into the ground as if having regularly been walked on was observed at the entrance of the residence.
A multitude of bugs and various insects were seen in the residence. Carpenter identified the bugs as roaches, though law enforcement indicates that a great variety of bugs could be seen.
“A series of drug paraphernalia” was observed in plain view in multiple areas within the residence. The scent of marijuana could be detected alongside the strong odor of trash and fecal matter.
Room for maneuvering within the residence was limited due to excessive amounts of trash, junk, and debris creating tight quarters. The kitchen could be seen to be housing mold along with caked food and unknown liquids about the floor. Additionally, “mass amounts of dirty dishes” and unfinished food could be observed in the kitchen area.
A single mattress was found inside the home and was reportedly, “stained, crusted, and filthy on the ground.” Carpenter identified the mattress, which was covered in bugs with no bedsheets, as belonging to the five-year-old child. Only one other bed was observed in the residence and was located in the master bedroom.
A CPS worker at the scene noted that one of the children who was not present at the scene, had stated that Carpenter had made and/or allowed the juvenile children to ingest marijuana inside the residence.
At approximately 5:50pm, Trooper Ellis advised that a CPS worker gave a vape to Carpenter which had been in the possession of another juvenile resident not present at the scene who was 14 years old.
Based on these incidents, Regina Beth Carpenter was arrested and charged with three counts of Child Endangerment Creating Risk of Injury and three counts of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor.