MORGANTOWN, WV (LOOTPRESS) – The City of Morgantown is launching its third installment of Morgantown Citizens Academy, which was originally launched in Spring 2022.
Applications are now being accepted for this upcoming session, which will begin on March 7, 2024.
This eight-week course is free and open to the public. It is designed to give citizens a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of the city departments and how to effectively engage their local government.
In order to qualify, interested candidates must be 18+ and a resident of Monongalia County. Residents of Morgantown will be given first priority during selection.
The academy will allow citizens to increase their knowledge of how municipal government works, providing them with the power to create change in their neighborhoods.
The sessions, which will be held on Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at various locations, will feature unique activities and engaging discussions led by city staff.
Light snacks will be provided at each meeting.
“The great thing about Citizens Academy is that we really have the opportunity here to build a connection with our residents and citizens and to make the functions of government more transparent,” said Special Projects Coordinator, Nikki Lauffer.
“Often, citizens want to get involved, they want to know what their local government is doing and how they can support and help that and it’s hard to know where to start. We are hoping that the revival of the Citizens Academy will be a pathway to mutual communication, support, and knowledge.”
Each week, the participants will learn about different topics and get an inside look at how municipal government functions.
Course topics may include how an ordinance becomes law, creating strong neighborhoods through planning, street paving and maintenance, parks and recreation, arts and culture, public safety, and the budget process.
Interested citizens must fill out an application form, which can be found here.
The application can be submitted through the city’s website or sent via standard mail to the City of Morgantown Special Projects Coordinator at 430 Spruce St. Morgantown, WV 26505.
The deadline to apply is Feb. 23. Candidates will be selected and notified by the end of February.