Dog eats $4,000 in cash off kitchen counter: ‘Wow, there’s a lot of 100s’

By Jeanne Moos, CNN via CNN Newsource

PITTSBURGH (CNN) – The old cliché “the dog ate my homework” pales in comparison to what a dog in Pittsburgh did.

Cecil’s owners Clayton and Carrie Law said their dog has never done anything bad in his life. That is, until he ate $4,000 in cash.

Clayton Law said he came home from the bank with $4,000 in cash and set it on the counter. The money was intended to pay workers who built a new fence.

But half an hour later, the money was strewn all over the floor in pieces, with Cecil standing nearby.

And in the middle of the night, Cecil turned into an ATM.

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“He throws up and I was like, ‘Wow, there’s a lot of 100s,’” Clayton Law said.

Cecil’s owners said he wouldn’t even touch a steak if you left it on the table, but there was something about the money he couldn’t resist.

Then, the money was coming out of Cecil in “deposits” in the yard, forcing the Laws to do some nasty work to get the bills clean again.

“It’s rough. The first time we did it, it was like, kind of gag-worthy,” Clayton Law said.

But they persevered, piecing together bills like never before. They say their bank is well aware of the situation.

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“Our bank was really nice about it,” Carrie Law said.

So far, they’ve resurrected a total of $3,550 out of the $4,000 that Cecil ate.

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