ATHENS, WV (LOOTPRESS) – Responders with the East River Volunteer Fire Department made their way to the Athens Road Dollar General location on Monday in response to reports of a natural gas scent.
According to the East River Volunteer Fire Department, at around 10:30am on Monday morning, department members were dispatched and responded to investigate the issue.
Fire units on scene would ultimately turn over the scene to Mountaineer Gas Company upon their arrival, and at 2:40pm, department pagers went off for an illegal burn on north mcnutt, leading responders to investigate the issue.
East River Volunteer Fire Department extended gratitude to the WV Division of Forestry for their response to the scene and assistance with the situation.
“Please remember that you can only burn natural materials,” said ERVFD in a statement. “If you have anything that has been through a sawmill or a factory you can not burn the materials.”
Additional LOOTPRESS coverage for the Mercer County area can be found here.