BECKLEY, W.V. (LOOTPRESS) – Each year at Christmas, FMRS Health Systems holds a holiday dinner for the individual in its Residential/Community program, which serves those who have a chronic mental illness, intellectual disability or substance abuse disorder and need assistance with their day-to-day lives. Because of COVID-19, FMRS will not be able to hold its annual Christmas dinner.
“…we hope to be able to make up for that by providing extra special gifts this year,” shared Ann Haley, FMRS Community Engagement Coordinator.
As this is an expensive project, FMRS is asking for community support via monetary donations. 100 percent of the proceeds will go toward purchasing gifts for program participants.
“As we celebrate with our family and friends, we want to ensure that our consumers also have a joyous Christmas,” said Haley, adding that nearly 150 individuals receive support from the agency.
“They are either currently residing in FMRS Group Homes, supported living sites, or their own apartment with support. These individuals have limited financial resources, and many do not have family to purchase gifts for them. Without our efforts, they will not have a special Christmas, spent with friends, family and gifts under the tree.”
In addition to monetary donations, the following items are also appreciated and will be used to compile the gift bags:
- Calendars
- deodorant for men and women
- shampoo and conditioner for men and women
- body wash/shower gel for men and women
- Christmas mugs
- Lotion
- scented lotion for women
- travel pack of tissues
- word search puzzle books
- perfume for women
- cologne for men
- socks for men and women
- gloves for men and women
- hats/toboggans for men and women
- blankets
- toothbrushes & toothpaste
- hand sanitizer
- candy canes
- boxes of hot chocolate
- disposable razors for men and women
- shaving cream for men and women
- nail files, nail clippers
- canned green beans with pull tab
- canned corn with pull tab
- stuffing
- instant mashed potatoes
- Christmas holiday themes Little Debbie cakes
- small 16 oz cooked canned hams (non-refrigerated only; can be found at Dollar Stores)
- fruit cups
- bottled water
Checks for monetary donations can be made payable to FMRS Health Systems, Inc. The memo line should indicate that the funds are for the FMRS Residential Special Projects Fund. These donations can be mailed to FMRS Health Systems, Inc. at 102 South Eisenhower Drive in Beckley or dropped off in person at the office.
Questions regarding FMRS’s fundraising efforts can be directed to Haley at 304-256-7100 x1000 or Jennifer Hamrick at x1171.