OAK HILL, WV (LOOTPRESS) – Former embattled Fayette County delegate Austin Haynes has filed to run for office again.
According to the West Virginia Secretary of State’s website, former delegate Austin Haynes has filed to run for House of Delegates in the 50th District.
Haynes is running as a Republican.
Haynes was first elected to the House in 2020 and then defeated by David “Elliott” Pritt in the 2022 General Election.
Haynes’ defeat in 2022 came after allegations of “quid pro quo” sexual harassment which led to the filing of a lawsuit.
The lawsuit alleged that one of the women accused Haynes of offering support on a bill during the 2022 General Session of the legislature in exchange for sex.
Beckley Attorney Steve New confirmed to LOOTPRESS on Monday that the lawsuit against Haynes did not move forward and that there is currently no lawsuit filed against Haynes by New’s office.
Delegate Elliott Pritt (R-Fayette) who currently represents the 50th District issued the following statement to LOOTPRESS regarding Haynes’ candidacy:
“The Voters of Fayette County made a moral decision in the last election when I prevailed against Mr. Haynes. No one is perfect, but there are some mistakes and lapses in character and judgment that just cannot be overlooked or “go away”.
Mr. Haynes has never answered for the accusations of sexual harassment, asking for sex for bill sponsorships, or the numerous other instances where individuals reported sexual harassment or inappropriate messages.
This amounts to actual serial behavior. Mr. Haynes needs to answer the question: “Did he do it?” That is what I want to ask him: did he do these things? And if he did, he is wholly unqualified for this office.
I have spent the last two years working for the people I represent as hard as I can, and he spent his two years here in Charleston focused on “other” endeavors.
The people of this district spoke loud and clear in 2022, and I feel absolutely confident they will look at the hard work, dedication, and two years of reputable service I have given to Fayette County positively in this year’s election too.”
Haynes will face Delegate Pritt in the May 14th Primary Election.