GRANDVIEW, W.V. (LOOTPRESS) – Those visiting the New River National Gorge National Park and Preserve’s Grandview location for hiking, playing or picnics may have noticed some recent improvements.
The park announced that Shelter 1 and many of the site’s masonry grills have been repaired. In Fall 2021, the park partnered with NPS Historic Preservation Training Center to preserve said structures. This was the first in a set of projects designed to utilize utilizing the Maintenance Action Team, an NPS-wide initiative to repair infrastructure on our public lands. New River Gorge and HPTC staff repaired 30 masonry grills, Civilian Conservation Corps-era fireplace, culvert, and entrance pylons, as well as Shelter 1’s wooden structure.
As winter phases out, park officials invite guests to plan for warmer days of grilling hot dogs at Grandview with their loved ones.