MONTGOMERY, WV (LOOTPRESS) – State regulators have announced that public comment and evidentiary hearings will take place next month to discuss the future of Armstrong Public Service District’s sewer services.
The system, located in Kimberly, provides sewer services to 822 customers in the Montgomery area of Fayette County, as well as water services to 879 customers.
The Public Service Commission of West Virginia has scheduled the public comment hearing for 10 a.m. and the evidentiary hearing for 1 p.m. on July 9 at Montgomery City Hall, 321 Fourth Ave., Montgomery.
The case originates from a petition filed on December 13 by Kanawha Falls Public Service District to determine if Armstrong qualifies as a failing sewer utility under the Distressed and Failing Utilities Improvement Act of 2020.
The order setting the hearings stated that Commission staff have identified deficiencies related to inflow and infiltrate, a lack of spare parts for the lift stations, and minimal preventative maintenance performed on the collection system.
Staff also reported managerial and financial problems with the system and recommended that it be declared distressed and required to enter into a management agreement with Kanawha Falls, as the two systems are connected. However, staff also noted separate concerns that might subject Kanawha Falls to its own distressed utility proceeding.
More information on this case can be found on the PSC website: Click on “Case Information” and access Case No. 23-0934-PSD-DU.