BECKLEY, WV (LOOTPRESS) – A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on Thursday for the 13th Family Treatment Court in the State of West Virginia.
The ceremony took place at the Raleigh County Ceremonial Courtroom on the second floor of the Raleigh County Courthouse and was organized by Family Treatment Coordinator, Jessica Hilton.
These courts provide services and support to parents working to achieve lifelong recovery and to parent their children safely and effectively. The Raleigh County Family Treatment Court specifically hopes to partner with families and communities to provide support through swift and immediate interventions that facilitate attachment.
10th District Circuit Court Judge Dimlich proceeded over the events of the ceremony, which also saw attendance from local and state leadership such as Supreme Court of Appeals Justices Wooten, Hutchinson, Bunn, and Armstead, WV House of Delegates members Todd Kirby and Eric Brooks, Raleigh County Commission President Dave Tolliver, Beckley Mayor Rob Rappold, Raleigh County Prosecuting Attorney Ben Hatfield, and Chief Public Defender for the 10th Judicial Circuit Stacey Fragile among others.
Ben Spurlock would address those in attendance on behalf of US Senator Joe Manchin, who spoke of the importance of the types of programs implement through the Family Treatment Court.
“This program is an important opportunity to make a major change in the quality of life for participants and families,” said Spurlock on behalf of Senator Manchin. “The effects of substance abuse extend to the heart of the communities we call home, and it is my hope that these programs continue to expand and continue to change lives for years to come.”
Also in attendance was Kyle Saunders from the Office of Congresswoman Miller, who voiced her support for the FTC.
“I am so thrilled that Raleigh County will now join a growing number of counties who have instituted this incredible program in pursuit of helping West Virginians find treatment and better the lives of themselves and their families,” said Congresswoman Miller. “I am certain the participants and graduates of this FTC will work hard, sacrifice, and do all they can to make a difference in their lives. Likewise, I know the staff that oversee the family treatment court will do the same.”
The newest member of the WV Supreme Court of Appeals, Haley Bunn took time to touch on her own history growing up in the area of Oceana in Wyoming County – a region which has seen been particularly impacted by the effects of the opioid epidemic – as well as her time as a prosecutor.
“Our way of life in West Virginia has been threatened and impacted by the opioid crisis,” Justice Bunn declared. “I spent a lot of my legal career before taking the bench as a federal prosecutor, attempting to fight the opioid epidemic that way, by prosecuting our way out of this problem. That is one important aspect of the problem. But approaching the addiction and the underlying problems, and approaching these people as individuals; that is an incredibly important piece of the puzzle that we have to foster.
We have to rally around one another as human beings. These programs, these family treatment courts really represent the best of West Virginia. Because what are we good at? We’re good at helping each other, at rallying around families, and loving our neighbors.”
Chief Adult Probation Officer for the 10th Circuit, Chris Houck also took time to address those in attendance, along with Family Treatment Court Specialist, Chautle Haught, and Family Treatment Coordinator Jessica Hilton who delivered closing remarks at the event just prior to the ceremonial cutting of the ribbon.
Additional information on Family Treatment Court programs throughout the State of West Virginia can be found at the Family Treatment Court website.