SUMMERS COUNTY, W.V. (LOOTPRESS) – Sheriff Justin Faris with the Summers County Sheriff’s Department recently informed the public about his department’s new anonymous tip line, which will allow citizens to alert the police of criminal activity at any time.
According to Faris, the tip line can be used to alert any type of criminal activity, including those related to drugs, domestic battery or assault, child neglect, etc.
Faris says callers can use the tip at any time of the day. Those who utilize the line will call the number and leave a voicemail detailing their concern. They will also list their phone number so they can be contacted if need be.
All tips sent to the line go directly to Sheriff Faris, who checks the line’s voicemail daily.
While the Summers County Sheriff’s Department only recently notified the public of the hotline, Faris says his department unknowingly had the equipment for years.
“The line has been here for some time; the prior administration just never put it out to the public,” Faris explained, adding that he didn’t even know about the line until he took office.
Faris stated that as soon as he discovered the line, he wanted to make it public.
“A lot of people don’t want to call and report a crime because they are afraid of the repercussions,” he said. “With this tip line, you can call on family or a best friend or a neighbor and not have to worry about them finding out. That is the important thing. A lot of people know important details and keep it to themselves, but this tip line cuts through all those worries.”
Have a tip? Call 304-466-5154.