FAYETTEVILLE, WV (LOOTPRESS) – Members of the Fayette County Commission will convene for a Special Session meeting later this week where a vote on a county land classification issue will be held.
Scheduled to take place at 10:00am on Thursday, August 22, 2024, the Special Session meeting will entail a vote and decision on Planning Commission Case Z-540-24-2, pertaining to the request of Triple T. Inc., a West Virginia corporation, owner, for a proposed change in land classification from RR (Rural Residential) to PUS (Planned Unit Development.)
The request itself pertains to property which is legally described as Surf 52.913 PT Davis Lands Wolf Ck in the New Haven District.
The Fayette County Commission were participants in a public meeting regarding the matter which was held over the summer. The July 10, 2024, public session presented members of the community and general public to present opinions and concerns with regard to the proposed change.
“No further evidence or argument will be heard on the matter,” read a statement from the Fayette County Commission regarding the application. “During the Special Meeting, the Fayette County Commission will vote and render its decision on the application.